$6.5k per month using Instagram Affiliate marketing (Step-by-step Guide)

In this story, I will explain step by step process for making money from Instagram affiliate marketing.

Rohit Shinde
3 min readMar 18, 2023

People are doing affiliate marketing in the wrong way because of internet gurus. Gurus give them a strategy like going to the affiliate product and copying the link and pasting it everywhere and being a spammer.

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

But this is the wrong way to do affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing is a business, and work as a businessman when you start affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the biggest side hustle you can do and it generates passive income.

passive income means you need to work once and set up your business on automation.

In this article, we can see how to start affiliate marketing on Instagram.

Instagram is the best platform for affiliate marketing how we can make let’s see.

Step - 1

Find affiliate products that can give you a good amount of money, don’t think about niches now just go to the platforms like Clickbank, digistore24, cj, and impact, or you can start with my spreadsheet in this spreadsheet I gave 40+ affiliate software you can promote. DOWNLOAD

Mostly I prefer to promote health, wealth, make money, spirituality, and online software because it has more demand and gets more sales.

Note — Choose only products in the same niche

Step — 2

Create an Instagram account and start optimizing for affiliate marketing, write a bio, add a profile picture and more that need to rank on search.

After opening an Instagram account you need to see what other people upload content in your niche and start making content like them.

Don’t create only one post and publish, create multiple posts for a month and schedule it for a month.

After scheduling start to follow people in your niche then start commenting on their posts and engage with other followers.

Step — 3

After completing an Instagram account setup then start to make a landing page for your product first for collecting emails create an ebook and give them free get emails.

System.io can help you with that just go to the system.io and create an opt-in page and edit some information on the page and redirect to an affiliate link.

Step — 4

Now you got their emails and now you can start the email automation process you can automate in system.io.

Start sending them valuable information in your field and sometimes promote your affiliate product link in the email.

and you just want to build an email list then you can grow your email list and give them valuable information with Affiliate links.

When you follow up on email then after some time people can buy from your affiliate link then you can promote another product to them.

Note: Don’t do spam in comments and spam in DM’s just help them and solve the problem by recommending them your affiliate product.

Me personally promoting AI products because people find AI tools and they get help from me this product pays me every month because it has a recurring commission system.

Recurring commission means your one sale whenever buy I got a commission, my products are software so I got a recurring commission.

In the affiliate list, I gave some of the best recurring product checks out.

download the spreadsheet of 40+ affiliate programs



Rohit Shinde

I am Rohit Shinde online business Coach and Marketer. get 40+ Affiliate program FREE spreadsheet list you can promote & $10k https://beacons.ai/rohitshinde